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If you have irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, you might have uncomfortable or painful abdominal symptoms. Constipation, diarrhoea, gas and bloating are common IBS symptoms. IBS doesn’t damage your digestive tract or raise your risk for colon cancer. You can often manage symptoms through diet and lifestyle changes.


Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, is a group of symptoms that affect your digestive system. It’s a common but uncomfortable gastrointestinal disorder. People with IBS get excessive gas, abdominal pain and cramps.


Researchers don’t exactly know what causes IBS. They think a combination of factors can lead to IBS, including:

  • Dysmotility: Problems with how your GI muscles contract and move food through the GI tract.
  • Visceral hypersensitivity: Extra-sensitive nerves in the GI tract.
  • Brain-gut dysfunction: Miscommunication between nerves in the brain and gut.


Symptoms of IBS include:

  • Abdominal pain or cramps, usually in the lower half of the abdomen.
  • Bloating.
  • Bowel movements that are harder or looser than usual.
  • Diarrhoea, constipation or alternating between the two.
  • Excess gas.
  • Mucus in your poop (may look whitish). 

Women with IBS may find that symptoms flare up during their periods. These symptoms often happen again and again, which can make you feel stressed or upset. As you learn ways to manage flare-ups, you’ll start to feel better, physically and mentally.